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EcoM0tion- Tel-Aviv2022, and its relevance to the ISCI-GLOBAL Forum 4 CITY INNOVATION


Updated: May 17, 2022

by Rachel Pasher EIjkenaar,Adv.

Yossi Dan & Chutzpah Lab in the Israel France Chamber of Commerce- in Happy hour

This week Tel-Aviv was a host of : EcoMotion-

EcoMotion as in the website is all about:

"The global smart mobility community bringing people together with many opportunities for knowledge sharing, networking and countless interactions on the frontier of innovative technologies in smart mobility".

"EcoMotion Is a dynamic and growing community in the Smart Mobility field comprised of over 600 startups and 13,000 community members. EcoMotion is a joint venture of the Israel Innovation Institute (NGO) along with the Smart Mobility Initiative in the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Economy."

Sergio Vinitsky-ViSerCo Ltd. CEO. Fira Barcelona Delegate in Israel, Delphine Romeu, Event Director - Tomorrow.Mobility , From Fira Barcelcona: Sonia Pollastri - Institutional Relations Manager | Smart City Expo World Congress | Tomorrow.City | Tomorrow.Mobility, Rachel Pasher EIjkenaar, Adv. - ISCI

The French Israeli Team in the Happy hour

I was happy to be a representative of ISCI - Israel Smart City Institute - and of the ISCI- GLOBAL FORUM 4 CITY INNOVATION- in this great event.

A BIG THANK YOU to Yossi Dan - the co-founder of, and ISCI member, that invited me as his guest in the ISRAEL-FRANCE chamber of commerce-'industrie-isra-l-france/about/ & the Chutzpah-Lab's pavilion. I was lucky to be there at the happy hour where many representatives of both Israeli ad French companies gathered to exchange experiences of the congress, to talk and have a good drink together.

As mentioned above, EcoMotion is about smart mobility bringing people together. Obviously- smart cities and other living zones- globally- are some of the largest potential clients for any smart mobility promoting company or any other organizations- including NGOs and an governmental organizations.

One of our forum's main goals is- to move some of the "stage lights" from the Smart city or Smart living zone or any local government running them as a whole- to the actual people-individuals- that make these tick and work.

On this note- of giving personal accreditation to the individuals behind the scenes- we feel it is important to thank the people behind EcoMotion. Here is the link - we found on the event website, with the team that did such a great job in putting this whole event together- about Thank you!!! I was also happy to meet there a member of this team, Jonathan Menuhim, PhD CEO, Israel Innovation Institute.

The people in the SMART CITIES arena that make things happen are amongst others, the municipal staff members, the engaged residents , the captains of these cities and living zones such as the Mayors and high position officers and members of city councils All are men and women that have a big say in making these decisions. These include: choosing the product that fit their specific cities or communities: electric buses ,charging stations, smarter roads, smarter garbage trucks, parking censors and more In addition- these people are in charge of questions such as what implications will any purchase of these products have on the city as a whole, on it's budget, on the mobility offered within it, on it's ecosystems and on the different communities and individuals in it. In addition the cities' leaders-individuals- will need to solve many challenges such as- how will the relevant staff members in each local government react to new smart mobility products- disseminate them throughout the city, mange the training of the relevant employees, introduce them to all city stakeholders , answer to those that are less happy with the changes etc. etc.

Each of these people will need to be engaged, at times think out of the box, be alert and many times innovative - so that they can help connect the dots between the smartest of technologies and the people that actually will need to live next to them, with them or within them. These individuals need to be awarded by acknowledgment and gratitude of the local government and of their communities - including online. Smart M0bility , as Smart health as Smart services - are all dependent on the people that administer them and connect them to the clients- the residents- individua's , businesses and visitors.

eit-Urban Mobility- co funded by European Union

Please reach out to us if you would like to share here any relevant stories!

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